The MassCyberCenter, launched in September 2017, strives to create a diverse, vibrant, and competitive Massachusetts cybersecurity ecosystem that enhances resiliency for public and private entities, provides workforce development opportunities, and elevates public cybersecurity awareness.
In 2022, the Massachusetts Legislature codified the establishment of the Center and confirmed its mission of convening the Massachusetts cybersecurity ecosystem to improve cybersecurity resiliency, workforce development, and public awareness within the Commonwealth by developing cutting edge programs, organizing engaging events, and leading collaborative working groups.
Cybersecurity encompasses the people, process, and technology that provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data and critical control systems that keep our Commonwealth running. The Center focuses its activities on balancing the core principles of cybersecurity: People, Process, and Technology.

The MassCyberCenter is led by Director John Petrozzelli and is steered by the Massachusetts Cybersecurity Strategy Council. The Center leads two working groups Cyber Resilient Massachusetts and Cybersecurity Training & Education to facilitate better cybersecurity planning and collaboration and promote resiliency and workforce development for the Commonwealth.