Health Care Provider Cybersecurity Monthly Calls
The Massachusetts eHealth Institute (MeHI) and the MassCyberCenter host a health care provider cybersecurity call on the second Thursday of every month. The calls kick off with updates on recent cyber threats and trends from representatives of the Department of Homeland Security and the Massachusetts State Police Commonwealth Fusion Center. After the updates, the calls include a monthly topic of interest. Recent topics included cybersecurity risk assessments and risk management, medical device cybersecurity, incident response planning, and cyber insurance.
This series was developed as an outcome of the 2020 Baseline Cybersecurity of Massachusetts Health Care Provider Survey. The Association for Behavioral Health Care, Home Care Alliance of Massachusetts, LeadingAge Massachusetts, Massachusetts Health & Hospital Association, Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, Massachusetts Medical Society, and Massachusetts Senior Care Association partnered with MeHI and the MassCyberCenter to develop and circulate the survey.
Sign up to receive information about the monthly topic and the unique registration link each month.
Register for the next call HERE.
View Recordings of Past Monthly Topics
3/13/25: Executive Monitoring (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: Nicholas Carroll, Nightwing
2/13/25: HIPAA Security Rule Proposed Rule (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: Dan Steinberg, JD, CIPP/G, CIPM, Senior Cybersecurity Engineer, MITRE
1/9/25: Be Fraud-Free! Protecting Yourself from Modern Tech Scams (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: Mark A. Annati, CISSP, SSCP
12/12/24: Healthcare Technology Security (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: Troy Adams, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
11/11/24: Group Cybersecurity Primer for Massachusetts Healthcare Providers (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: Greg Garcia, Executive Director, HSCC Cybersecurity Working Group
10/10/24: The MIT Cybersecurity Clinic (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: Jungwoo Chun, MIT
9/12/24: Business Email Compromise (BEC) Investigations (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: John Petrozzelli, Director at the MassCyberCenter
8/8/24: The Ransomware Pandemic in Health Care (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: Justin Armstrong, CISSP, HCISPP, CCSP, MS, MEDITECH
7/11/24: How Cyber Attacks Happen (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: Jeff Cassidy, Security Operations Center Director, CyberTrust Massachusetts
6/13/24: Overview of the Regional Preparedness and Response Playbook (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenters: Penny Chase, MITRE and Matt Weir, MITRE
4/11/24: Health and Public Health Sector Specific Plan for Risk Management (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: John Petrozzelli, Director at the MassCyberCenter
3/14/24: Health Care Partnerships (Video)
Presenter: Troy Adams, Cyber Engagement Specialist at the Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3)
2/14/24: Critical Infrastructure Toolkit (PDF)
Presenter: Meg Speranza, Resiliency Program Manager at the MassCyberCenter
1/11/24: Email Security in Health Care (Video)
Presenter: Edwin Moreno, Field CTO at Mimecast
12/14/23: Health Care Insider Threat Training (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: John Petrozzelli, Director at the MassCyberCenter
11/9/23: November Health Care Provider Cybersecurity Call (Video)
Presenter: Matt Weir, Principal Cyber Security Researcher, MITRE Labs
10/12/23: Cyber Incident Response Planning for Health Care (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: Meg Speranza, Resiliency Program Manager at the MassCyberCenter
9/14/23: Mobile Device Security (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenters: John Petrozzelli, Director at the MassCyberCenter and John Danahey, MBA, CMMC RP, Managing Partner, Systems Engineering at Digital Tech Partners, Inc.
8/10/23: Cybersecurity Insurance (Video)
Presenters: Bruce de'Medici, Grey Oar and Troy Adams, Cyber Engagement Specialist, HC3
7/13/23: July Health Care Provider Cybersecurity Call (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: John Petrozzelli, Director at MassCyberCenter
6/15/23: Medical Device Cybersecurity Regulatory & FDA Expectations (Video)
Presenter: John Giantsidis, JD, M.Eng., President at CyberActa, Inc.
5/11/23: Anatomy of an Email Attack (Video)
Presenter: Gregory Dodge, MD, IT Project Manager & Information Security Lead
4/13/23: Cybersecurity Workforce Development for Health Care Providers (Video)
Presenter: Fabio Martins, Director, Information Security & Data Protection at Mass General Brigham
3/9/23: Laptop Security (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: Ryan Reilly, Dell
2/9/23: Multifactor Authentication (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: Troy Adams, Cyber Engagement Specialist, Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center (HC3)
1/12/23: Endpoint Detection and Response (Video)
Presentation (PDF)
Presenter: Mac Tetreault, Technical Solutions Architect - Security, Cisco
12/08/22: November 17 Tabletop Exercise: Cross-Communication and Collaboration during a Significant Cybersecurity Event affecting Health Care - Review & Takeaways
Presenters: Meg Speranza, Resiliency Program Manager, MassCyberCenter and Elizabeth Reardon, Account Management and Consulting Project Director, MeHI
11/10/22: Cloud Security
10/13/22: Cyber Threat Sharing
Presenters: James Dinneen, COO, Advanced Cyber Security Center (ACSC) & John McKenna, CISO Chair, ACSC
9/8/22: Cyber Incident Response Planning
Presenter: Stephanie Helm, Director, MassCyberCenter
8/11/2022: Mobile Device Cybersecurity
Presenter: Troy Adams, Cyber Engagement Specialist, Health Sector Cybersecurity Coordination Center